10. The guys at reformerware.com give you a bulk pricing discount.
9. Your home group leader locks you in a closet during the Bible study.
8. You spend the entire fall semester on a verse by verse exposition of Romans 9 in your Sunday School class... Your kindergarten Sunday school class.
7. You spend lots of time on ebay searching for a signed 1st Edition of Calvin's Institutes.
6. Your spouse wakes you at night from a bad dream, and says you were mumbling, over and over, "Infra or supra?! ... Infra or supra?!"
5. You react angrily when someone mispronounces "Lorraine Boettner."
4. Your eyesight failing, you go to the doctor and he diagnoses "presbyopia." You assume this is Latin for "reading too much Reformed theology."
3. On the weekend of your wedding anniversary, you book a romantic trip for two to Akron, Ohio for a Ligonier Ministries Conference.
2. Your time on the throne is now spent reading The Heidelberg Catechism.
1. When a family member buys you an iPad for your birthday, you storm out of the room in a rage when you learn that it is NOT pre-loaded with the Geneva Bible Translation App.
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